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Greetings People of Earth,

No, wait... that sounds like I’m arriving in a ship full of extra-terrestrials. Please, let me start again.

My Fellow Terrans,

How’re you doin? With the deep mark left by the previous two years, I hope all is well in your life. So much happened in our world in that briefest and longest time.

In the spring of 2020 we watched and read about the state of our world as it came to a halt. For a short time it seemed that scenes of everyday life were made in empty streets, fear and hopelessness. One of the casualties, live music, came to a complete stop. Concerts, festivals, clubs, stadiums, and halls were all empty. During this time, I discovered the ability to hire excellent session musicians to create music remotely.

I’ve been playing guitar and composing music for over three decades. OK, I’ve been playing guitar that long and thinking about composing for half of that. Learning both guitar and recording has been a most painful and enjoyable adventure. In March, I decided to try this 21st century remote-recording thing. One day I thought, “why not?!” and sent an email to an online session drummer.

And I got a reply!

So, the experiment began. I have hired several musicians (drummers, bassists, and vocalists) to record their take on my music. It is humbling and exhilarating to try this new trick as an old dog. Only now, in this digital age, could I have had a chance to do any of this. I hope to record more songs in the future, both instrumental and with lyrics. I hope to collaborate with new musicians and a variety of instruments. If I am healthy and able to fulfill those hopes...

I did learn two things from 2020: The future can lead down a really weird and life-disrupting path in a hurry. And secondly, be thankful more often and every day. I have people who helped shape what I became throughout the so far tallied years - thank you all. Both the still here and the gone on ahead...

Thank you to the musicians who've helped me amplify this music.

Thank you for listening to my music.

Mark Delaney

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P.S. To all arriving Extra-Terrestrials: Bring your own guitar.